
Reducing Injury Rates and Turnover in the Meat Industry

Zac Lowth 27 August, 2019

Workers’ Compensation rates for the meat industry remain significantly higher in every state in Australia when compared to other industries (Australian Meat Processor Corporation, 2018). Swickers is a large abattoir and meat processing facility[…]

Manual Handling Training - an insane waste of time & money

Zac Lowth 14 March, 2018

It’s commonly believed that Albert Einstein stated ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result’. So, how does this relate to manual handling training? Well, if we take onboard Einstein’s message,[…]

Importance of Early Intervention in Managing Workplace MSDs

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 10 May, 2017

Early intervention strategies to manage workplace musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) have been proven to significantly decrease injury rates and worker’s compensation claim costs within a business.

The Future of Workplace Health

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 28 April, 2017

How will the changing nature of work being undertaken by humans impact the field of workplace health and those who provide it?

The traditional notion of work is evolving. Over the past decade we have seen a rise in automation of tasks traditionally[…]