October is Safe Work Month across the nation. Unsurprisingly, the theme this year is ‘Work Health and Safety through COVID-19’ highlighting the indelible mark this virus is leaving on work as we know it.
Safe Work Month 2020
Cabbage, Heart Disease & Return to Work
With World Heart Day 2021 approaching on September 29, let’s take a look at a systematic review (high quality study) that assesses the different interventions to support return to work (RTW) for employees following acute events from heart disease.
World Health Day - Workplaces, take action!
This year, World Heart Day is being held on September 29. This campaign aims to create awareness for cardiovascular disease (CVD), the number one cause of death on the planet. It aims to educate people and drive action to assist with reducing risk[…]
Shoulder surgery, a waste of time?
Pain in the shoulder is a common concern amongst workers. When the pain persists or increases to the point it begins to affect work and other areas of life, a worker may turn to surgery. Is this the right choice?
Sub-acromial pain syndrome (SAPS) is[…]
Menopause in the Workplace - Women's Health Week
As we wrap up Women's Health Week in Australia, we reflect on how important awareness of conditions affecting women can be to the health of women and the health of the workplace.
R U OK? Day
R U OK? Day is September 9, 2021. This began in 2009 as a national day of action, with an aim to bring Australians together to prevent suicide. Today, R U OK? Delivers campaigns and resources 365 days a year to help people provide support to those[…]
Women's Health Workplace Absenteeism & Presenteeism
The second week of September marks Women's Health Week in Australia. This is a nation-wide campaign of events and online activities aimed to educate and improve women's health. The five days each focus on different facets of health and conditions[…]
Women's Health Week 2020
Women’s Health Week will be running from September 7-11, 2020. This amazing event was first established in 2013 by Jean Hailes for Women’s Health as a way to encourage and help all women learn more about their health and make it a priority.