Jordan Shyu - Physiotherapist
24 June, 2020

What’s Inspired Me to Get Out of My Comfort Zone?
Dylan Wissell
28 May, 2020

So, it’s early 2018, I’m catching up with a friend for an early morning breakfast. We get talking about life and goals for the year, and without a lot of notice, she asks if I want to ride from Canberra to Melbourne and I said, “Yes!”.
Then as I[…]
Manual Handling Training - an insane waste of time & money
Zac Lowth
14 March, 2018

It’s commonly believed that Albert Einstein stated ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result’. So, how does this relate to manual handling training? Well, if we take onboard Einstein’s message,[…]
Why it pays to be proactive: free Safe Work Month event

Workplace Health and Injury Management: Why it pays to be ‘proactive’.
You're invited to the A&L Windows | Doors Wellness Centre for this free Safe Work Month event.
Employ Health physio, Trent Seth, to attend National Leadership Forum

Each year, prospective leaders of the future are nominated by local community leaders to attend a four day National Student Leadership Forum (NSLF) with Members and Senators of the Australian Federal Parliament. Together, they openly discuss who[…]