
Back Care on the Fly: Part 1

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 15 August, 2017

8 Spinal Pain Management Tips for Busy Professionals

5 Tips for Improving Truck Driver Health & Injury Prevention

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 6 July, 2017

Truck drivers are an integral part of Australia’s economy. Without the highly valued work they perform our supermarkets wouldn’t be stocked, our homes would be without furniture and our petrol stations wouldn’t have any petrol. Yet, due to the long[…]

Stand up Desks: Your Questions Answered

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 28 June, 2017

Stand up desk have grown exponentially in popularity in recent years. While there is still argument about whether they are the future way of working or just a fad, few have had a deeper look at the evidence. Below I have attempted to answer the[…]

The Sports Model: Managing workplace injuries in the professional era

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 26 June, 2017

Prior to professionalism, workplace injuries and professional sports injuries were managed a very similar way – injury occurs, commence rehab, return to sport/work. However, the era of professionalism sent injury management in sport down a[…]

Employ Health to tackle 55km hike in support of Oxfam

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 30 May, 2017

The countdown is on!

Your lunchtime drink: Avoid the sugar!

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 10 March, 2017

Sugar tax, heard of it? A proposed tax added to drinks such as cola, lemonade and energy drinks, aimed at curbing Australia’s growing obesity epidemic. Now without diving in whether such a tax would or would not work nor whether we should or[…]

Can 20 minutes of exercise cure chronic inflammation?

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 9 February, 2017

Read on to find out what inflammation is, why it is important, where it commonly goes wrong and what exercise can do about it.

Health Byte: Mindfulness

follow 12 December, 2016

In todays connected world we are all tired, stressed and lacking energy.

Why it pays to be proactive: free Safe Work Month event

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 20 September, 2016

Workplace Health and Injury Management: Why it pays to be ‘proactive’.

You're invited to the A&L Windows | Doors Wellness Centre for this free Safe Work Month event.

Employ Health team making every step count this Steptember

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 31 August, 2016

Here at Employ Health we believe that 'Health Trumps Everything.' We strive to live up to our values so we have signed up to participate in 'Steptember' with two goals in mind; to raise funds for The Cerebral Palsy Alliance and improve our fitness.