Whether it be for yourself or your team - now is the time to get moving!
Exercise improves mood and sleep, gives you energy, benefits your mental health, improves you health and wellness, and improves immune function. Everything your team needs[…]
Exercise improves mood and sleep, gives you energy, benefits your mental health, improves you health and wellness, and improves immune function. Everything your team needs[…]
Alcohol Consumption
Getting off the couch and starting to run sounds easy, but in reality, it is quite a challenge. Our bodies have an amazing ability to change and adapt to which ever pursuit we wish follow.
Here at Employ Health we believe that 'Health Trumps Everything.' We strive to live up to our values so we have signed up to participate in 'Steptember' with two goals in mind; to raise funds for The Cerebral Palsy Alliance and improve our fitness.
The workplace has been identified as a setting that can reach a large number of people simultaneously, and positively impact on the risk and health profile of individuals. The following criteria have been identified by researchers and organisations[…]
We work with businesses ranging from of 15 to 2000+ staff, implementing onsite programs for single sites through to multi-sites both locally and nationally.
The industries we have provided solutions to include manufacturing, construction, services, and for private and listed companies as well as government.
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