Employ Health Blog

Men’s Health Week 10-17th of June

Russell Dalton 7 June, 2019

Working towards a smoke free workplace.

Russell Dalton 29 April, 2019

May 31st is World No Tobacco Day. This may be the perfect time for your workplace to launch a quit smoking initiative.

Why smoking?

Smoking is currently the greatest risk to the health and wellness of Australians. It is the leading cause of death[…]

Injury Prevention For New Runners

Russell Dalton 25 January, 2019

Getting off the couch and starting to run sounds easy, but in reality, it is quite a challenge. Our bodies have an amazing ability to change and adapt to which ever pursuit we wish follow.

Is taking a holiday a risk for work injury?

Russell Dalton 4 January, 2019

It’s a common story - a worker returns from annual leave and within the first couple of weeks of returning has an injury.  So the question is: Why?

Manual Handling Training - an insane waste of time & money

Zac Lowth 14 March, 2018

It’s commonly believed that Albert Einstein stated ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result’. So, how does this relate to manual handling training? Well, if we take onboard Einstein’s message,[…]

5 Steps Your Business Can Take to Control Manual Risk

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 25 January, 2018

What is ‘Manual Risk’?

Workers are exposed to manual risk when a hazardous manual task is undertaken. Not all manual tasks are hazardous though. Knowing which tasks are potentially hazardous is the first vital step in controlling manual risk at your[…]

Introducing the 'Employ Health App'

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 23 October, 2017

Everything your workers need to get better fast – at their fingertips. Think of it like having a physio in your pocket.

The Active Office Secret

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 18 October, 2017

What if I told you there is a simple and cost effective way to improve the health, happiness and productivity of your workforce? Plus, the greatest part is, it is not that hard or complex. However, so many businesses fail to see it. It is hiding in[…]

10 Ways a Business Will Save Money through Workplace Health & Occupational Physiotherapy

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 12 October, 2017

Work-related musculoskeletal injury costs the Australian economy $28billion per year. The average cost of a musculoskeletal claim in Queensland is $7049 – and that’s just the statutory costs. It doesn’t take into account the cost your business[…]

How to get the 20% who need it involved in your wellness program?

Ryan Tiernan Ryan Tiernan 26 September, 2017

It is a familiar problem for most workplaces: how do you get the people who really need it involved in your workplace wellness program? If you manage a workplace wellness program you know this story all too well. You run a health initiative and it’s[…]