Scott Casella is a true testament to the concept of #Dreambig! Scott’s #Dreambig journey started back in 2013 through an appointment for his work. Six years later, Scott enquired about PEAK Sports and Spine’s inaugural Experience Never Felt Possible trip to Nepal. With no previous mountain bike experience, Scott decided to step out of his comfort zone and signed up to ride over the Nepalese mountains.
In the lead up to Nepal, Scott trained for several months to build up his strength and confidence. The trip was harder than he anticipated and consisted of 10 long days of mountain bike trekking through some of the most demanding passes in the world - with the highest climb going over 5500 metres! Once Scott had completed Nepal, he was already thinking “What’s next?”
In December 2019, Scott joined the Employ Health team for a sprint triathlon at Raby Bay. In true #Dreambig fashion, Scott has set his goals higher than just the sprint distance. In 2020, Scott was due to complete a full Ironman distance triathlon in Germany. Challenge Roth is the largest long distance triathlon in the world. When this unfortunately didn’t go ahead, Scott didn’t let this affect his mindset. Instead, he put his head down and continued training.
“Many thoughts came into my head like, let's just give up all together, I can stop training I've got plenty of time!! However, luckily I have a wonderful support team that keeps me moving and tells me to keep going! And I am ever so grateful for them!”

For the past 6 months, Scott has been training hard at his running, swimming and riding, and also
He has since set himself two new goals of completing two strength sessions a week to help prevent his risk of injuries and develop strength for the Ironman. He has found an amazing support crew at PEAK Sports and Spine and also at SBR Triathlon club where he trains 6 days a week.
Sunshine Coast 70.3 in September
Cairns Full Ironman in September
We love Scott’s attitude that if a new challenge comes along, “just say yes”. Employ Health is privileged to be a part of Scott’s Journey. We can’t wait to support him on the 27th of September for his first full Ironman in Cairns!