Employ Health Blog

Introducing the 'Employ Health App'

Written by Ryan Tiernan | Oct 23, 2017 12:29:39 PM

Everything your workers need to get better fast – at their fingertips. Think of it like having a physio in your pocket.

Through the Employ Health App we can provide workers with specific exercise programs and rehabilitation advice. It contains easy to follow videos of their set exercises including sets and reps.

To support Employ Health's Raid Response Physio service,  the app has been developed with telehealth capability.  This means is we can consult with workers via live video chat.

Workers will benefit from the use of the Employ Health App in conjunction with our onsite programs. Here’s how it works:

• After the worker has been assessed and diagnosed by an Employ Health physiotherapist they will be sent an individual access code.  This individual code provides access to their specific rehabilitation plan on the Employ Health App.

• The worker can then complete their exercises and record their progress.  They can use the app to report any increases in symptoms, and set reminders and notifications to ensure they get their program done.


According to Employ Health Director, Matthew Stewart, the Employ Health App is an integral tool to ensuring workers feel great fast.  "The Employ Health App helps us to empower our staff and patients. Everyone knows that one of the biggest barriers to patient empowerment and recovery is what they do when they leave your office.  The Employ Health App closes that gap in a way that does not involve complicated software or stick diagrams. Our staff love it because it bridges the gap between the treatment room and home. Our patients love it because it is easy to use and puts them back in control of their recovery."

The Employ Health App has wider uses than just rehabilitation.  We have partnered with Kmart to utilise the app to deliver instructional videos on how to safely perform various tasks, dynamic warm up videos and also strengthening programs. These programs have been tailored to various workgroups based on the tasks they perform.

The Employ Health App is available for free download from the App Store or Google Play.